Kegiatan eksplorasi PT KARYA BUMI BARATAMA (“PT KBB”) telah selesai dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2007 sementara kegiatan konstruksi telah selesai pada 2013 dimana pada tahun yang sama perseroan telah mendapatkan SK Operasi dan Produksi dari ESDM.
Perseroan direncanakan akan melakasanakan produksi di blok potensial wilayah PKP2B pertengahan 2014. Untuk saat ini hasil dari kegiatan eksplorasi tersebut mengindikasikan 3 (tiga) lapisan batubara, dengan ketebalan lapisan antara 7 – 10 meter yang secara geologi termasuk dalam formasi Muara Enim dan lapisan batubara ini menyebar dari arah Barat Laut – Tenggara dengan kemiringan rata – rata ± 5°
- Male with maximum age 40 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university
- Having minimum 7 years experience at the same position in a mining company
- Good command in English
- In-depth knowledge of regulatory law
- Strong leadership and managerial skills
- Good planning and organization skills
- Proven ability to delicately solve sensitive matters
SITE HR & GA Staff (Sarolangun - Jambi)
Qualification :
- ·Male or female, Max. 30 years old.
- Hold Bachelor degree (S-1) in accounting with GPA min.3,00 from scale 4,00.
- Min. 3 years of accountings experiences.
- Good knowledge of office administration and book keeping procedures.
- Proficient in MS. office application.
- Excellent English is a must.
- Having good communication skill.
- Have pleasant personality, honest, hardworking, fast learner, work detail, energetic, selmotivated and result oriented.
- Good understanding of Indonesian tax.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Sarolangun – Jambi
Qualification :
- Male, Max. 40 years old.
- Hold Bachelor degree (S-1) in social or communication from reputable university with GPA min. 3.00 from scale 4.00.
- Having min. 3 years experience in national or multinational mining company as CSR or relevant experiences with reputable companies.
- Experienced in land acquisition. Advanced in handling crisis in communication as well as handling media channel.
- Good presentation skills, knowledge in the communication strategy.
- Good interpersonal, and negotiation skills with any levels.
- Excellent English is a must.
- Proficient in MS office application.
- Having good communication skill, negotiation, lobbying and dealing with local community, government institution and company’s relevant public.
- Understand local culture is an advantage.
- Highly initiative person, dynamic, energetic, self motivated and strong interpersonal skill.
- Able to work independently and to work under the pressure.
- Willing to be located at Sarolangun - Jambi.
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