PT. Pembangunan
Perumahan (Persero) Tbk awalnya
dibentuk sebagai pembangun rumah pada tahun 1953 dengan nama NV
Pembangunan Perumahan.The Perusahaan berbasis di Jakarta dan memiliki 9
cabang, terletak di Medan (I), Lampung (II), Jakarta (III), Bandung
(IV), Semarang (V), Balikpapan (VI), Bali (VII), Makassar (VIII), dan
Pekanbaru (IX) . Selama
tahun keuangan 2013, pendapatan konsolidasi Perseroan melaporkan 49,93%
naik, dari Rp 8 triliun pada 2012 menjadi
Rp 12 triliun, menurut PT PP
(Persero) Tbk - Perusahaan pembaruan Januari 2014.While pertumbuhan laba
bersih Perseroan dengan 32,03% menjadi Rp 408.860.000.000 dari Rp 309.680.000.000. Untuk mendukung kinerja tahun 2014 dan meningkatkan keuntungan sesuai dengan target yang telah sebelumnya ditenttapkan, PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk membuka pekerjaan untuk posisi dan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Program RMID 2014 - TEKNIK SIPIL
- S1 students majoring in Civil Engineering from state / leading universities that have not passed
- Listed as an active students with a letter of explanation as an active student TA 2014
- Minimum of 125 credits (SKS) with the rest of the study up to 5 months
- Age less than 26 years
- GPA of at least 3.00
- TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Score of at least 500
- Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, port, or path
- Preferably mastering in construction supporting application is preferred
- Willing to be placed throughout the project PT PP (Persero) Tbk (outside Java & overseas)
- S1 students majoring in Accounting from state / leading universities that have not passed
- Listed as an active students with a letter of explanation as an active student TA 2014
- Minimum of 125 credits (SKS) with the rest of the study up to 5 months
- Age less than 26 years
- GPA of at least 3.00
- TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Score of at least 500
- Mastring in accounting and finance applications is preferred
- Understanding the principles of accounting and financial analysis
- Willing to be placed throughout the project PT PP (Persero) Tbk (outside Java & overseas)
- S1 students majoring in Electro Engineering (Strong currents) from state / leading universities that have not passed
- Listed as an active students with a letter of explanation as an active student TA 2014
- Minimum of 125 credits (SKS) with the rest of the study up to 5 months
- Age less than 26 years
- GPA of at least 3.00
- TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Score of at least 500
- Understanding the system and working principle of electrical building
- Mastering procurement procedures and implementation of mechanical and electrical functions of the project
- Willing to be placed throughout the project PT PP (Persero) Tbk (outside Java & overseas)