Lowongan Kerja PT ASURANSI WAHANA TATA Maret 2014

Sebagai salah satu perusahaan swasta nasional terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang jasa asuransi umum, PT ASURANSI WAHANA TATA saat ini sudah memiliki modal disetor Rp. 100 Milyar dan lebih dari 60 jaringan kantor pemasaran yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan 1000 karyawan berdedikasi dan profesional.

Perusahaan memiliki kapasitas untuk penutupan asuransi Property, asuransi kendaraan bermotor, asuransi pengangkutan, asuransi rangka kapal dan pesawat terbang, asuransi rekayasa, asuransi minyak & gas, asuransi uang, asuransi tanggung gugat, asuransi penjaminan, dan asuransi kecelakaan diri.

Saat ini PT. Asuransi Wahana Tama sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posiis sebagai berikut:

Responsibilities :
  • You will be trained, developed intensively and be involved in hands in project to become future leaders of the company to deal with competitive business environment
General Requirement :
  1. Candidate must possess at least a bachelor’s degree from any major
  2. Fresh graduate applicants are encourage to apply
  3. GPA min. 3.00 from reputable university
  4. Male/Female, Max. 25 years old (S1) and 27 years old (MM)
  5. Fluent in English both oral and written, TOEFL min. 450
  6. Excellence Computer skill
  7. Having experience in organization is a plus
  8. Highly motivated and have an interest in General Insurance
  9. Strong analytical, integrity personality, leadership skill, and able to work in a team
  10. Willing to travel and to be assigned anywhere in Indonesia
  11. Max attachment 500kb

  1. Laki-laki - Perempuan, usia Maksimal 30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan dari S-1 Teknik Perkapalan, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Industri, Bahasa Inggris dari Universitas terkemuka IPK Min. 3.00
  3. Terbuka bagi fresh Graduate
  4. Bahasa Inggris aktif lisan dan tulisan
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal Ms. Office
  6. Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat, kritis dan teliti
  7. Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi, presentasi dan interpersonal skill
  8. Mampu bekerja dalam tim dan tekanan kerja yang tinggi
  9. Loyal dan memiliki visi ke depan
  10. Maksimal attachment 500

Responsibilities :
  • To actively involve and contribute in developing the GRC framework of the company
  • To coordinate and administer the implementation of GRC framework and process in the form of various programs execution including GRC performance assessment and reporting
General Requirement :
  1. Holding a degree in Management, Accounting or Economic Science – MM or MBA is preferable
  2. Having a leadership trait with proven interpersonal skill
  3. Accurate, determined and off-high integrity
  4. Motivated and capable to work in an intensive learning atmosphere
  5. Information seeker and analytic
  6. Capable to write a comprehensive and well structured report (enclosure of sample report portfolio is necessary)
  7. 2 years working experience in the similar area, with a good knowledge of GRC methodology or approaches. Holding Risk Management certificate is an advantage
  8. Max attachment 500kb
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas silahka mengirimkan lamaran ke:

Jl. HR RasunaSaid Kav. C-4
Jakarta 12920
Ph. 021-520 3145 / 520 3146
Fax. 021-522 0450 http://www.aswata.co.id
email: recruitment@mail.aswata.co.id

Sumber Info : Lowongan Kerja PT ASURANSI WAHANA TATA